armenian question造句
- In that last year, Sultan Hamid declared the Armenian Question closed.
- Hovannisian criticized the book for gross historical inaccuracies on the Armenian Question.
- I am surprised there isn't an article on the Armenian question.
- T Russian Empire's policies vis-a-vis the Armenian question had changed.
- Ambassador to Saxony, 1879 . Took prominent part in the settlement of Armenian question and Balkan difficulties.
- The Armenian Question is settled . " Erteg黱's threats were soon being echoed across the Turkish press.
- Article 61 of the 1878 Macedonia, while Russia was " in no mood for reactivating the Armenian question ".
- The posters said " Just solution to the Armenian question " and other nationalistic slogans concerning Western Armenia, Karabakh and Nakhichevan.
- Nazarbek translated several works of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels and Plekhanov . He talked to Lenin and Shahumyan about the Armenian question.
- I can still see in front of me Talaat's cynical expression, when he emphasized that the Armenian question was solved ".
- It's difficult to see armenian question in a sentence. 用armenian question造句挺难的
- Towards the close of the nineteenth century, Armenian revolutionary societies began to agitate for reform and renewed European attention to the Armenian Question.
- The Sublime Porte was trying to cover up the Armenian Question; if there was no Armenia, then there was no Armenian Question.
- The Sublime Porte was trying to cover up the Armenian Question; if there was no Armenia, then there was no Armenian Question.
- Artsruni marked the necessity of development of capitalism in Armenia, supported the idea of armed resistance as a solution for the Armenian question.
- The clause entered the treaty as Article 16 and marked the first appearance of what came to be known in European diplomacy as the Armenian question.
- While on the surface the law was allegedly temporary, the main reason of the law was to settle the Armenian Question once for all, therefore permanently.
- The fate of Western Armenia commonly referred to as " The Armenian Question " is considered a key issue in the modern history of the Armenian people.
- "In the implementation of its scheme to settle the Armenian Question through annihilation of the Armenian race, the Turkish government did not allow itself to be distracted ".
- Since Armenian independence ( 1991 ) publications include titles on topics of such current-day issues such as the Nagorno-Karabakh War, the Armenian Question and the Armenian diaspora.
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